首页> 中文期刊>环境科学研究 >我国城市固体废物处理情况及温室气体减排启示




对我国城市固体废物( MSw)清运量、无害化处理量、卫生填埋量和场所、焚烧量和堆肥量的变化进行了趋势分析、相关性分析以及时空分布分析;并且对联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)官方网站公布的《京都议定书》中附件1国家温室气体的排放数据进行了统计分析.结果表明:我国城市固体废物清运量和卫生填埋量很大并逐年增加;城市固体废物卫生填埋处理厌氧消化产生的温室气体随着填埋量以及标准卫生填埋场所的变化而变化;从发达国家各领域的温室气体排放情况来看,废物领域的减排潜力很大,尤其是城市固体废物卫生填埋处理,这对我国开展城市固体废物卫生填埋处理温室气体减排有一定启示.%Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in China was analyzed for trends, correlations and temporal-spatial distributions of changes in amount transported, amount treated, sanitary landfill amount and location, incineration amount and compost amount. In addition, statistics on the national greenhouse gas emissions of Annex 1 countries under the Kyoto Protocol, as listed on the UNFCCC official website, were studied. The results show that the magnitude of amount transported and sanitary landfill amount of MSW in China is large and keeps increasing year by year. The amount of GHGs created by anaerobic digestion during the landfill treatment of MSW depends on the magnitude and location of the treated MSW. Considering the low emissions of GHGs from various sectors in developed countries, there is tremendous potential to reduce emissions during the treatment of waste in China, especially the landfill treatment of MSW. The international examples provide some inspiration for China to reduce GHG emission in the implementation of landfill of MSW.



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