首页> 中文期刊> 《眼科新进展》 >冷藏能降低苄达赖氨酸滴眼液的刺激性




目的分别滴用室温保存和冰箱冷藏后的苄达赖氨酸滴眼液,判断冷藏后的苄达赖氨酸滴眼液能否降低对眼的刺激。方法对照眼80例,滴用室温保存的本眼药液,试验眼80例,滴用冰箱冷藏后的苄达赖氨酸滴眼液,男女各半,按配对设计方案双盲法进行。结果滴眼后眼球刺激的出现率:对照眼为19.38%,受试眼为6.25%;出现B级和C级反应者:对照眼为31例,试验眼为10例;平均刺激等级:对照眼为1.21,试验眼为1.07。经秩和检验,两者有显著差异。出现局部刺激性记分改变:对照眼为1.57±1.50,试验眼为0.79±1.40, 两者有显著性差异;眼球出现刺激的开始反应时间及刺激反应的持续时间两者无显著差异。结论滴用冰箱冷藏后的滴眼液“一过性灼烧感”在刺激反应发生率和反应程度上,均比滴用在室温下保存的滴眼液有明显的改善(P<0.01)。%Objective To evaluate whether the stimulation on eyes of bendazac lysine eyedrops could be reduced by cold storage.Methods  Mate design scheme and double-blind clinical trial were performed. 160 healthy eyes was divided into two groups: the test group was given bendazac lysine eyedrops which was stored in refrigerator at 4℃ over night, and the control group was given it which was stored at room temperature.Results ln the control group and the test group, the occuring rate of stimulation was 19.30% and 6.25%. The cases of B、C stimulation degrees were 31 and 10; the average stimulation degrees of each group were 1.21 and 1.07, the scoring change for eye stimulation were 1.57±1.50,0.79±1.40,all respectively. The statistical difference was significant (P<0.05 or P<0.01).Conclusion The eye stimulation of bendazac lysine eyedrops can be reduced by cold storage.



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