首页> 中文期刊>铁道标准设计 >京沪高速铁路禹济特大桥29.15 m非标箱梁架设施工技术

京沪高速铁路禹济特大桥29.15 m非标箱梁架设施工技术



The paper studied how to erect the non-standard 29. 15 m box girder of the Yuji super major bridge on Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway. The JQ900b-type girder-erecting machine, which had been originally for standard box girder of high-speed railway, was put into use, partly with a purpose of researching how to use this girder-erecting machine in non-standard box girder. Meanwhile, in view of this bridge’s characteristics of being sited at the Yellow River alluvium with 12. 5 m high piers, a series of effective construction technologies were used for the temporary supporting: adding the temporary pile foundation, enlarging the size of bearing platform, designing two sets of 4-limb steel tube lattice columns. At the same time, the simulation test on the stretching and loading of the precision rolling screw thread steel was conducted for testing the temporary supporting. There was a difficult problem in construction:according to the design alteration document, the erecting method for the non-standard 29. 15-m box girder must be altered from the cast-in-situ plus support-frame method into the prefabrication method. However as a result, this difficult problem in construction has been able to be solved by using above-mentioned construction technologies.%对于京沪高速铁路禹济特大桥非标箱梁,研究采用JQ900b型高速铁路标准箱梁架桥机进行架设的方法。针对桥梁地处黄河淤积层、12.5 m高墩的特点,采用增加临时桩基、扩展承台尺寸,设计2组4肢格构式钢管墩柱作为支撑,对临时支墩采用精轧螺纹钢张拉模拟压载,解决了29.15 m非标支架现浇箱梁变更设计为预制架设的施工难题。



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