首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道标准设计》 >湿陷性黄土地基的无振动挤密处理新技术研究




With the advance of industrial and civil construction grade, the requirements for controlling post-construction settlement and deformation are getting stricter. The existing methods and equipments have certain restrictions and shortages for treatment of collapsible loess foundations where requirements for vibration control are mandatory, such as the existing line and station, buildings of small space and narrow site. To meet special construction requirements, a new vibration-less compaction equipment and technology is developed with vertical static pressure, vertical pull down and lateral pressure, and details site parameter test and treatment effects evaluation. The compaction method with vertical static pressure and lateral pressure to treat collapsible loess foundations has made it possible to have construction equipment minimized, portable and vibration-less, and the treatment meet the specifications.%随着我国工业与民用建设等级不断提升,对工后沉降和变形的控制要求更加严格。在湿陷性黄土区的隧道,既有运营线路及车站,房屋等小空间、狭小场地,以及对施工振动有严格控制要求的施工场地中,现有湿陷性黄土地基的处理方法及施工设备有一定的局限性。根据特殊施工要求,研发了竖向静压、竖向倒拔、横向静压的无振动挤密处理设备,进行了现场参数试验和处理效果评价。研究结论:采用竖向倒拔、横向静压的方法对湿陷性黄土地基进行挤密处理时,施工设备能够实现小型化、轻便化和无振动,处理效果能够满足相关规范要求。



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