首页> 中文期刊>铁道标准设计 >基于GIS的高速铁路空间结构物布置方法研究




Many factors must be considered in the arrangement of railway spatial structures. Under the premise of saving capitals and, at the same time, determining a reasonable scheme of bridge, subgrade, tunnel scheme, DEM data management and spatial analysis functions in GIS system are employed to extract the ground elevation data under the condition of specific plane line position. The optimal layouts of subgrade, bridge and tunnel length on proposed slopes with minimum work amount and project cost are resolved by means of programming in consistence with design principles of high speed railway line cross-section. The calculation results satisfy the requirement of economical structure layout.%铁路空间结构物的设置考虑因素众多,在节约资金的前提下,同时确定合理的桥梁、路基、隧道方案是一种尝试;利用GIS系统中DEM数据管理及空间分析功能,提取出特定平面线路位置条件下的地面线高程数据,在满足高速铁路线路纵断面设计原则的基础上,按照工程量及工程造价最小的目标函数条件,通过编程求解出拟定坡度条件下最优的路基、桥梁、隧道长度布置方案,计算结果满足结构物布置的经济性要求.



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