首页> 中文期刊> 《无线电通信技术》 >基于弥散圆的光学显微镜景深自动标定方法




针对光学显微镜存在小景深且景深范围不易确定的缺陷,导致后续图像处理工作困难这一问题,提出了一种基于弥散圆的光学显微镜景深自动标定方法。控制步进电机 z 轴方向移动连续拍摄,保证载物台上圆点标定板从前离焦到后离焦定向移动;利用活动轮廓分割方法提取图片序列中的轮廓圆,再采用LBP 算法对拍摄图片序列进行复合轮廓处理和跟踪;根据提出的算法统计图像序列中标定圆轮廓的真圆度与弥散圆面积数据并分析标定景深。理论表明,提出的算法可以在不同倍率下测定景深范围,实验结果证明,该算法可以根据序列图片较为有效地标定景深,对后续图像处理有重要意义。%As small DOF of optical microscope,the unsharpness is imperceptible under normal viewing conditions.In response to this issue,an optical microscope automatic calibration method is proposed to measure DOF.The proposed method is based on the convex active contour model and LBP algorithm which is easy to work. Additionally, the proposed method provides lower cost than other methods.Firstly,spot calibrate board is fixed on the working stage controlled by the stepper motor,and the sequence images is captured by moving along z⁃axis from the front of DOF to the back of DOF equidistantly.Secondly,search the circle contour by active contour model in the sequence images.Then,LBP algorithm is utilized on the calibrate sequence images so as to get the circle contours more accurately.Finally,according to the roundness of the contours and circle areas in the statistics list,DOF of optical microscope is effective calibrated.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can be used to measure the DOF on optical microscope,which is of great significance for the follow⁃up image processing.



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