首页> 中文期刊> 《第四纪研究》 >广西邕江流域贝丘遗址动物群研究




In this paper, faunal remains unearthed from six shell midden sites along Yong River are discussed. The sites are located in Nanning city and Yongning county which include Baozitou( located in the first terrace of the left side of Yong River, 2km southwest of Nabei village, Liusha horticultural field, southeast of Nanning city), Huiyaotian (located in the first terrace of the left side of Yong River, at the foot of Huiyaotian mountain ridge, south of San'an horticultural field, Qingxiu district of Nanning city ) , Dingsishan (located in the first terrace of the right side of Bachi River-the main tributary of Yong River, on the Dingsishan hill, 1km northeast of Jiuwanpo administrative village,Xinxin village,Pumiao town,Yongning county) ,Niulanshi( located in the first terrace of the left side of Yong River, southwest of Xin village, Changtang town, Yongning county) , Lingwu ( located in the first terrace of the left side of Yong River,southwest of Wuhe village,Changtang town, Yongning county) and Luosishan( located in the first terrace of the right side of Yong River, on the Luosishan hill, Tianwo village, Changtang town, Yongning county ) .The sites are dated from 10000a B. P. To 6000a B. P. And can be divided into four stages; Stage 1 dates back to around 10000a B. P., Stage 2 dates back to around 8000a B. P., Stage 3 dates back to around 7000a B. P., and Stage 4 dates back to around 6000a B. P.The identified fauna include mollusks ( Gastropoda and Lamellibranchia ) , arthropods ( Custacea ) , and vertebrates ( Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia). Within these seven classes, 84 species are identified (Gastropoda includes 28 species,Lamellibranchia includes 14 species,Custacea includes 1 species,Pisces includes 6 species, Reptilia includes 4 species, Aves includes 4 species, Mammalia includes 27 species). Diachronic and synchronic studies of these taxa demonstrate the biodiversity of the Yong River shell mound sites.The four archaeological phases represent the entire process of initial origination, later development, and final disappearance of the shellfish cultural deposits. The types of species present, quantity, and body size show significant similarities and differences between the sites in each stage.Stage 1 represents the period before the formation of the shellfish cultural deposit. Mammals make up a large portion of the taxa, and other animals appear in low frequencies. This indicates that the ancient people primarily hunted wild animal resources.Stage 2 and 3 represent the formation and development of the shellfish cultural deposit. Gastropoda has the highest percentage,followed by Mammalia and Pisces, with other types of animals occurring very infrequently. This indicates that hunting, gathering, and fishing were equally important ways of acquiring animal resources. Each site is unique in terms of the types of species present, quantity, and body size. The special character of each site and period may be due to mirco environmental differences,animal ecology,and cultural differences.Stage 4 represents a period of decline for the shellfish cultural deposit. Mammalia has the highest percentage, and other animals occur in very low percentages. This shows that the ancient people primarily depended on hunting animals in a way similar to Stage 1. What caused the disappearance of the shellfish cultural deposits? In other words,why did people abandon the practice of gathering shellfish? I argue that zooarchaeology alone is not enough to answer these questions, and interdisciplinary research in paleoethnobotany and environmental archaeology is also needed.%针对广西邕江流域6处河岸型贝丘遗址(豹子头遗址、灰窑田遗址、顶蛳山遗址、牛栏石遗址、凌屋遗址和螺蛳山遗址)出土动物遗骸进行动物考古学研究,这些遗址的年代为距今10000年左右至6000年左右,出土动物种属及动物群的历时性和共时性研究的结果展现了邕江流域贝丘遗址生物多样性以及贝类文化由形成到发展再到消亡的整个过程.邕江流域贝丘遗址共出土包括软体动物(腹足纲和瓣鳃纲)、节肢动物(甲壳纲)以及脊椎动物(鱼纲、爬行纲、鸟纲和哺乳纲)等在内的7纲84种动物,动物种属、数量以及个体大小在各贝丘遗址以及不同文化阶段存在显著的共性和差异性,其差异性可能主要是与遗址所处具体位置的微环境、动物的生态习性以及人类行为有关.



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