首页> 中文期刊> 《青海草业》 >青海草地载畜量计算方法与载畜压力评价




青海草地资源理论载畜量为1608.08×10^4羊单位。其中,天然草地载畜量为1282.84×10^4羊单位,人工草地载畜量为224.78×10^4羊单位,农作物秸秆载畜量为104.45×10^4羊单位,分别占理论载畜总量的79.77%、13.73%和6.50%。与全省2009年度存栏牲畜3020.05×10^4羊单位相比,超载1411.97×10^4羊单位,超载率87.81%,属重度超载,草地载畜压力指数为1.88。经畜、草平衡分析,青海牧区19个县共计需要减畜1183.26×10^4羊单位,减畜幅度为60.71%。%According to survey, the theoretic livestock carrying capacity of Qinghai grassland is 1608.08 ×10^4 sheep units, including 1282.84 ×10^4 sheep units of natural grassland, 224.78 ×10^4 sheep units of artificial grassland, and 104.45 ×10^4 sheep units of crop straw, accounting for 79.77% ,13.73% ,and 6.50% of total theoretic livestock capacity, respectively. Comparing with the actual livestock population (3020.05 ×10^4 sheep units) in 2009, there were 1411.97 ×10^4 overgrazing sheep units, with an overgrazing rate of 87.81% and grassland livestock carrying pressure index of 1.88, which suggests a state of severe overgrazing. Based on the carrying capacity and balance analysis result, the 19 pastoral counties of Qinghai should decrease their livestock population by 1183.26 ×10^4 sheep units, with a 60.71% of decrease rate.



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