首页> 中文期刊>出版科学 >从纸质出版到数据库建设:出版业转型路径探究--以“自然灾害•旱灾(2001-2010年)数据库”建设为例




Paper-based publication uses paper as a medium to“engrave in the wood block for printing” and to“publish to the world”. Its essence lies in the process of information production and communication. In the era of the Internet, the value of paper-based publishing remains apparent, yet the production and communication based on data has become a trend. A database is a data set established for a specific topic, and it integrates relatively stable data in a unified format and reflects certain historical changes. Database development is the attempt to translate the“isolated, static and fragmented” text-data into“related, dynamic and integral” structured data. Using“Natural Disasters: Drought” database as an example, this paper discusses the significance of database establishing, and introduces the basic steps of database setup. In doing so, it provides fresh ideas for the possible transformation approaches for the publishing industry.%首先从历史角度考察纸质出版,认为就具体形态而言是以纸为媒介“镌著于版”“印行于世”的行为,其本质是“信息生产与传播”行为。其次指出互联网时代,纸质出版的价值犹在,但基于数据的生产与传播为大势所趋:数据库是面向特定主题,集成的、相对稳定的、具有统一格式的、能反映历史变化的数据集合,数据库建设是将“孤立、静态和碎片化”的文本数据转化为“关联、动态和整体性”的结构化数据工程。最后,以自然灾害类突发事件中的旱灾数据库建设为例,探讨数据库建设的意义,介绍数据库建设的基本步骤,以期为出版业的转型提供新思路。



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