首页> 中文期刊>出版科学 >《长江志》续修的继承与创新




Through the synthesis of both the ancient and the modern materials,Yangtze River Annals comprehensively records the development history of the water conservancy undertaking and narrates the achievement level of the water conservancy construction. It objectively reflects the experience and lessons concluded from the successes and failures during the construction. It also fils in the historical gap of the cultural construction. Through al these approaches, this book makes its contribution to the inheritance of Yangtze River civilization and the promotion of economic growth over the basin. The continuing compilation ofYangtze River Annals(1991—2011) has been launched. This new-round compilation covers the transition period of the river management .Therefore, it is necessary to set down the development and transition of the construction and reflect the profound changes in river management. During the compiling, we should innovate our notion, styles, contents and compiling methods to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the annals compilation.%《长江志》统合古今记述长江水利事业的发展历程和水利建设成就,客观反映长江水利建设的成败得失和经验教训,填补了长江文化建设的历史空白,为传承长江文明和促进流域经济社会的发展做出了贡献。《长江志(1991—2011)》编修工作已启动,其记述时段处于治江事业的重要转折期,因此本轮续修需充分反映本时段长江水利事业的发展、转折和治江观念的深刻变化,需站在历史的高度承上启下、继承创新。必须通过思想观念、体例、内容、手段等方面的不断创新,推动修志事业健康持续的发展。



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