首页> 中文期刊> 《心理技术与应用》 >坚毅性人格:概念结构、影响因素及作用结果




In the last decade, a very popular term “grit” which refers to a personality on perseverance appeared in the psychological field abroad. The connotation of “grit” contains two aspects. One refers to persistent efforts for along-term goal, and the other refers to continued interest about this goal as always. As an important non-cognitive person-altrait, grit is highly correlated to some individual characteristics such as self-control and conscientiousness. And grit can strongly predictindividualperformance at school、 in the army and on the job. Grittier individuals are more likely to have a better performance than their less grittier counterparts. In addition, grit is also highly correlated withsome positive psychological traits such as positive emotions and affections. In the end, we propose that future re-search probe into the concept and structure of grit, improve the measuring and research methods and broaden the relevant variables.%近十年来,国外心理学界出现了一个非常热门的词汇“Grit”,它是指一种人格特质:坚毅。坚毅包含两方面的内涵:一是为长久目标付出的坚持不懈的努力,二是对这个目标保持一如既往的兴趣。坚毅性作为一种个人特质,与自我控制、尽责性等个体特质高度相关,对个体在学校、军队、工作岗位上的表现有着很强的预测力,坚毅性高的个体的表现更好。另外,坚毅也与一些积极的心理特质,如与积极情绪、情感高度相关。最后,建议未来研究深入探讨坚毅性的概念与结构,丰富其测量方法和研究方法,拓展其研究变量。



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