首页> 中文期刊>心理学研究评论术:中英文版 >On Modern English Teaching from the Perspective of Cultivating Students'''' Critical Ability

On Modern English Teaching from the Perspective of Cultivating Students'''' Critical Ability



Thinking ability is an important part of comprehensive quality and an important focus of modern higher education. In English teaching, we should pay more attention to the cultivation of students' critical thinking ability. Although remarkable progress has been made in College English teaching in the new era, there are a series of fundamental problems in the ways and means of College English teaching. The most important is that the current teaching system lacks the ability to train students to adapt to society. There are still many problems in the process of students learning English, which hinders the effectiveness of teaching. Although some students have good grades in English, they have a lot of English vocabulary. This paper explores the new mode of college English teaching, and cultivates the core from the perspective of speculative ability training. Explore the new model construction approach based on summarizing the value of speculative ability, and explore the corresponding training mode.




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