首页> 中文期刊> 《微生物学免疫学进展》 >两种狂犬病毒IgG抗体检测试剂盒的比较




目的 了解员工暴露前接种人用狂犬病疫苗后的免疫效果,并对比使用两种不同试剂盒检测抗体阳转率是否存在差异.方法 采集员工接种人用狂犬病疫苗( 地鼠肾细胞) 以及冻干人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞) 共计172例,分别使用两种狂犬病毒抗体检测试剂盒( 试剂盒A、B) 进行检测,统计血清中狂犬病毒IgG抗体的水平,计算阳转率并比较差异.结果使用试剂盒A检测接种人用狂犬病疫苗( 地鼠肾细胞) 者血清样本的阳转率为91.7%,接种冻干人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞) 者血清样本的阳转率为51.0%;使用试剂盒B检测接种人用狂犬病疫苗( 地鼠肾细胞) 者血清样本的阳转率为100.0%,接种冻干人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞) 者血清样本的阳转率为74.5%.使用试剂盒B检测接种人用狂犬病疫苗( 地鼠肾细胞) 者血清样本的阳转率比试剂盒A高8.3%,使用试剂盒B检测接种冻干人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞) 者血清样本的阳转率比试剂盒A高23.5%.结论两种不同试剂盒上检测的抗体阳转率都反映出人用狂犬病疫苗( 地鼠肾细胞) 比冻干人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞) 的免疫效果好;使用两种不同试剂盒检测抗体阳转率的差异均具有统计学意义.%Objective To understand the effect of immunization with rabies vaccines for human use before exposure and to compare the difference in seroconversion rate for antibody against rabies virus between 2 different detection kits. Methods A total of 172 staff members were inoculated PHK cell ( hamster-kidney-cell) rabies vaccines and Vero-cell rabies vaccines, respectively, which were detected IgG antibody level in serum by 2 kinds of antibody detection kits ( A and B) against rabies virus, and seroconversion rate were evaluated and the difference compared. Results The detected seroconversion rate was 91.7% for staff members inoculated PHK cell rabies vaccine, the same rate was 51.0% for staff members inoculated Vero-cell rabies vaccine by both using kit A. The detected seroconversion rate was 100% for staff members inoculated PHK cell rabies vaccine, the same rate was 74.5% for staff members inoculated Vero-cell rabies vaccine by both using kit B.The seroconversion rate was 8.3% higher by using kit B than kit A for staff members inoculated PHK cell rabies vaccine, the seroconversion rate was 23.5% higher by using kit B than kit A for staff members inoculated Vero-cell rabies vaccine. Conclusion The detected seroconversion rates showed that PHK rabies vaccine was better than the Vero-cell rabies vaccine. There were significant differences in detection of antibody seroconversion rate by both of detection kits.



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