首页> 中文期刊>天文学进展 >黑洞吸积数值模拟研究的近期进展




Numerical simulation is one of the important tools for the study of astrophysics. In recent years, great development in the field of black hole accretion has been achieved. In this paper, we introduce the progress in the numerical simulations of black hole accretion disk. We first report the history and current situations of numerical simulations in the field of black hole accretion. Taking two examples, we further demonstrate the importance of numerical simulations in accelerating the knowledge of black hole accretion theory. We also introduce the important scientific problems which need to be solved in the future. Finally, we propose the method on how to develop numerical simulation code.%当前,数值模拟已经成为国际上天体物理研究中最重要的研究手段之一。具体针对黑洞吸积领域,调研了数值模拟在该领域的研究情况。首先简单回顾了近20年来黑洞吸积领域数值模拟的发展过程,然后以热吸积流中的风以及超爱丁顿吸积为例,强调说明了数值模拟技术这一新的研究手段为该理论的发展起到的关键性作用。这两个方面是近年来黑洞吸积领域最重要的研究进展。随后指出了两个可望通过数值模拟技术取得重要进展的研究课题,并针对这两个问题,结合我国的实际情况,提出了如何发展黑洞吸积数值模拟的建议。



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