首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 >面向对象的设计模式在暂态仿真中的应用




The research of the transients of micro-grid needs efficient simulation tools. The paper proposes the design idea of TSDG, which is developed for micro-grid transient simulation, based on object-oriented design patterns and modern software architecture. Four important patterns in TSDG, including factory method pattern, adapter pattern, strategy pattern and singleton pattern, are described in detail. Based on the object-oriented design, the developments of transient simulation program widely adopt the theory of design pattern to a-chieve low coupling between modules as well as high cohesion within the module, and make the software more extensible and useable to the functional requirements. The application and integration method of various design patterns in TSDG is universal, and can serve as a reference for other power system simulation software.%分布式发电微网系统暂态过程研究需要相应仿真计算工具的支持.基于面向对象设计思想与现代软件设计架构,介绍了分布式发电微网系统暂态仿真程序TSDG的设计思想,重点介绍了工厂方法模式、适配器模式、策略模式和单例模式等面向对象设计模式在TSDG中的应用.基于面向对象设计模式开发的TSDG,实现了模块间的低耦合和模块内部的高内聚,提高了程序的可扩展性和可复用性,能够灵活应对功能需求的变化.TSDG中多种设计模式的应用和集成方法具有一定的通用性.



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