首页> 中文期刊> 《临床医药实践》 >西宁地区门诊以头晕为主症300例病因分析




目的:分析西宁地区神经内科门诊头晕患者病因构成特点。方法:回顾性分析2012年—2013年院神经内科门诊头晕为主症的300例患者临床资料,分析临床特点、辅助检查、治疗转归,总结病因构成。结果:300例患者中女性多见,男女比例为1:1.5,45~60岁年龄段最多见,共142例(47.33%),常见病因依次为精神心理性头晕115例(38.33%),良性发作性位置性眩晕(BPPV)102例(34.00%),偏头痛性眩晕31例(10.33%)。结论:西宁地区门诊头晕患者以精神心理性头晕和 BPPV 为主,偏头痛性眩晕不少见。70%头晕患者通过病史询问即可诊断,加强学习头晕患者病史询问方法很重要,焦虑、抑郁评分及 Dix - Hallpike 试验不容忽视。%Objective:To explore the etiology of outpatients with chief complaint of dizziness in the department of neurolo-gy in Xining. Methods:A total of 300 outpatients with chief complaint of dizziness in our department of neurology from 2012 to 2013 were followed up,the associated medical history,symptoms,physical examination and treatment outcome were obtained, the etiology were analysed. Results:The male to female ratio was 1 : 1. 5,the dizziness is highly prevalent in the population aged 45 ~ 60 years(142 cases,47. 33% ),the main top three diagnoses of the 300 patients were psychogenic dizziness(115 ca-ses,38. 33% ),benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV)(102 cases,34. 00% ),migraine(31 cases,10. 3% ). Conclusion:The most common etiology of outpatients with dizziness of Xining area is psychogenic dizziness and BPPV,migraine is not less common and should be pay more attention. 70% patients with dizziness can be diagnosed by history which is the key to accutate diagnosis,anxiety and depression score and Dix - Hallpike test should not be ignored.



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