首页> 中文期刊> 《印制电路信息》 >嵌入静电保护电路板制造技术




Electro-static discharge (ESD) is widespread in electronic product. ESD event is short-lived, very fast rise time and highly energetic. ESD can damage or wound electronic components resulting in mal- functioning of the electronic products. Conventional surface mounted discrete components (surge suppressors) can provide about 3% protection to electronic products, and they cannot adequately protect the whole system. This article describes the technique of embedding electro-static discharge printed circuits boards. The main process is to embed a special electro-static discharge protection material into the circuit board. This revolutionary method can potentially provide global protection of the entire system, including and not limited to all semiconductor integrated circuits and discrete components. Experimental results showed that Embedding electro-static discharge printed circuits board can provide up to 100% protection to electronic products.%静电放电现象广泛存在于电子产品中,其特点是时间短暂、速度快和能量高。静电放电会导致电子元器件失效或存在隐患,甚至导致电子产品完全损坏。传统的表面安装的分立元器件(电涌抑制器)仅能对电子产品提供3%的保护,已经不能满足电子产品对静电保护的要求了。嵌入静电保护电路板的制造技术,主要工艺是将静电保护特殊材料嵌入到电路板内部,从而可以在整体系统上对电子产品进行静电保护。实验证明,嵌入静电保护电路板可以对电子产品提供达到100%的静电保护。



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