首页> 中文期刊>外国中小学教育 >国外学习机会公平研究的学术进展及启示




开展学习机会公平研究有利于实现公平而有质量的教育目标.本文从内涵理解、现实问题和影响因素三个方面探讨了国外学习机会公平研究的新进展,结果发现:学者们主要从物质类学习资源、提问等发展类学习机会和促进学生内在心理等高级条件三个内容理解学习机会公平,同时,探讨了在物质类学习资源、学习过程与互动、学习态度等支持学习的高级条件三个方面存在的学习机会不公平问题,并关注了国家政策、学校制度文化环境和教师群体对学习机会公平的影响.据此建议:全面理解学习机会公平的内涵,有重点地关注现实中存在的学习机会不公平问题,有差别地考察不同因素对学习机会公平的影响.%Research on equity of opportunity to learn is useful for achieving the goals of fair and high-quality education. This paper explored the advance of research on equity of opportunity to learn in western countries from meaning, existing issues and influential factors. The main findings are that scholars mainly understood the meaning of equity of opportunity to learn from three contents, which are instrument-goods learning resources, developmental learning opportunities and students' inner conditions; explored existing issues from instrument-goods learning resources, learning process and interaction, learning attitude; focused on the influential factors from national policy, school institutional cultural environment, and teachers. Based on it, making a comprehensive understanding of equity of opportunity to learn, focusing on the inequity issues about learning opportunities, and explore the influence on equity of opportunity to learn from different factors.



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