首页> 中文期刊>电力系统保护与控制 >光伏阵列特性仿真及其在光伏并网逆变器测试系统中的应用




An engineering calculation method for PV (photovoltaic army) array characteristic is proposed, which can calculate the output characteristics of the PV array using the technical parameter ofphotovoltaic cell, total series-units and parallel-branch number of photovoltaic array, and local intensity and temperature. Model ofphotovoltaic array based on MATLAB/simulink is established, and the characteristic curve of the PV array is analysed in detail. Based on the proposed algorithm, the construction and features of the testing system of the first set of PV grid-connected inverter (developed by XJ Group Corporation and Yunnan Power Grid Corporation) are presented. Then some parameters of the inverter (AURORA-PVI-5000-OUTD) are tested by this method. The test results dovetails with original data aimostly, which verifies the correctness and practicability of this method.%提出了一种光伏阵列特性的工程计算方法,基于光伏电池组件的基本技术参数、光伏阵列总的串联单元数和并联支路数、以及现场光照强度和温度,即可得出光伏阵列的特性.以Matlab/Simulink为工具建立仿真模型,详细分析了光伏阵列的特性曲线.以该计算方法为理论基础,介绍了国内第一套光伏并网逆变器测试系统的构成及特点.以此为平台,对型号为AURORA-PVI-5000-OUTD逆变器性能进行了测试,并给出部分测试结果,与该逆变器出厂检测参数基本吻合,验证了该方法的正确性和实用性.



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