首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >低压电力线通信信道噪声建模及仿真




噪声干扰是影响电力线通信可靠性的主要因素之一.搭建了电力线通信信道噪声测量电路,对低压环境电力线噪声进行了测量.根据实测数据,分别建立了背景噪声的自回归模型和脉冲噪声的改进马尔科夫模型,合成了电力线信道噪声,并进行了计算及仿真.结果表明:所建立的电力线通信信道噪声与所测量的实际噪声相比,背景噪声的功率谱密度几乎一致,脉冲噪声的统计规律误差很小,仿真合成的噪声图形与实测图形也有较好的相似度.%Noise interference is one of the main factors that affect the reliability of the electric communication. The circuit for measuring noise in the power communication channel is built and the actual noise is measured. The AR model of background noise and the improved Markov model of impulse noise are established respectively. The power channel noise is synthesized, calculated and simulated by using the model. The results show that the power spectral density of back noise measured in the model is almost the same as the actual noise and the statistical regularity error of impulse noise is small. The simulation of synthesized noise has similarity with measured ones. The model is of great significance for the future study of the noise in the power line communication channel.



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