首页> 中文期刊>电网与清洁能源 >750kV输电线路电晕损失测量技术




介绍了在西北高海拔地理环境下,750 kV输电线路电晕损失测量技术研究的重点成果.研究了光纤数字化电晕损失测量方法,利用电晕笼获得不同类型750 kV输电线路导线在不同场强下电晕损失的关键参数;借助可移动式电晕笼,在环境气候实验室获得0~4000m海拔下750 kV输电线路导线电晕损失的实测曲线;首次提出指数形式以及改进线性形式的六分裂导线电晕损失海拔修正方法;研究结果对不同海拔高度的750 kV输电线路导线结构设计具有参考价值.%This paper presents the main conclusions of the measurement technology of corona loss for 750 kV transmission line in the northwest high -attitude region, and studies the optical fiber digitalized corona measurement method. By means of the corona cage, key data are obtained for different types of 750 kV transmission lines under different electric field strengths. The measured curve of the 750 kV transmission line corona loss at 0~4000 m attitude is obtained in the environment and climate laboratory by means of the mobile corona cage. This paper, for the first time. presents two different forms of altitude correction for the corona loss of the 6-split conductor. The result of the study has reference value for the design of the 750 kV transmission lines at different attitudes.



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