首页> 中文期刊>石油炼制与化工 >降低再生烟气NOx排放型裂化催化剂的工业应用




中国石油大庆炼化分公司MIP-CGP装置为控制再生烟气NOx排放,与中国石化石油化工科学研究院和中国石化催化剂分公司合作,进行了降低烟气NOx排放功能的新型CGP-1DQ专用催化剂的工业应用试验.结果表明:在新型催化剂占系统藏量约40%时,再生烟气NOx排放降低到约656 mg/m3,相对试用过程中断阶段NOx排放最高值(1 134 mg/m3),降低幅度为42%;相对以往空白阶段的峰值(1 900 mg/m3),降低幅度达到65%以上.此外,新型催化剂的使用对裂化产物分布无不利影响,装置保持平稳运行.%To reduce NOx emission on MIP-CGP unit in CNPC Daqing refinery,a commercial trial of a novel specially formulated catalyst CGP-1DQ with the function of NOx emission reduction was performed.The results show that when the new CGP-1DQ in catalyst inventory reaches about 40%,NOx emission in flue gas is decreased by 42% to about 656 mg/m3 compared with the level of NOx emission(1 134 mg/m3) in the interrupted period during the trail.However,if compared with the base condition(1 900 mg/m3),NOx emission is decreased by more than 65%.In addition,no negative influence on product distribution and unit running are observed during the operation.



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