首页> 中文期刊> 《石化技术》 >游园沟油田油砂体特征分析




Yuanyougou structure is a three-level anticline structure of the Shizigou anticline,which is composed of three three-level anticlines,namely,Shizigou,Huatugou and Youtougou. The three anticlinal structures are from northwest to west Southeast of the northeast was prominent arc followed by distribution,Yuanyou ditch located in the southernmost tip of the arc-like anticlines;northern tip of the high altitude with obvious inconsistencies connected with the flower and soil. Based on well logging interpretation and subdivision results,the paper mainly studies and evaluates oil sands from aspects of reserves,area and so on,and understands the reserves and distribution of oil sands and paves the way for future development and deployment of oil fields .%游园沟构造为狮子沟背斜构造带的一个三级背斜构造,该构造带有狮子沟、花土沟、游园沟三个三级背斜构造组成,三个背斜构造自西北向东南呈北东突出的弧状依次展布,游园沟位于改弧状背斜带的最南端;高点北端以不明显的鞍部与花土沟高点相连.在测井解释及细分层成果的基础上,主要从储量、面积、等几个方面对油砂体开展了研究与评价,了解油田的储量规模以及分布情况,为今后油田的开发部署奠定基础.



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