首页> 中文期刊> 《涂料工业》 >海洋石油平台防腐涂料NORSOK M-501认证试验结果分析

海洋石油平台防腐涂料NORSOK M-501认证试验结果分析



The performance of self-developed anticorrosive coating system of offshore oil platform in the atmosphere and sea water immersion had been tested in accordance with the test method and criterion of NORSOK M-501.The test results and failure reasons were analyzed and discussed.The results showed that the expansion of corrosion distance and extensive blistering from the cutting line was mainly caused by reduction of coating wet adhesion during the weathering test procedure.Meanwhile,temperature variation,ultraviolet light and alternating dry-wet testing conditions accelerated the corrosion.The zinc-rich primer did not play the role of the cathodic protection and prevent the corrosion from spreading.The cathodic delamination of coating at the metal/coating interface in sea water area was mainly caused by cathodic corrosion products as observed by cathodic debonding test.%按照NORSOK M-501试验标准要求,对自主开发的海洋石油平台大气区和水下区域的防腐涂层体系性能进行了测试,对测试结果和失效原因进行了分析讨论.结果表明:循环老化试验中,涂层湿附着力的降低是引起划线处腐蚀距离扩大和涂层大面积起泡的主要原因,温变、紫外光、干湿交替的试验条件加速了这一过程;富锌底漆没有起到阴极保护、阻止腐蚀蔓延的作用;阴极剥离试验中,金属/涂层界面处的阴极腐蚀产物是导致海水区涂层阴极剥离的主要原因.



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