首页> 中文期刊> 《太平洋学报》 >角色认知与话语建构:美国选择性干预的政治逻辑




Since the end of the World War II,U.S.selective interference has been driven by two factors.In international politics,“relational”factors determine the motives and willingness of U.S.foreign intervention;“structural”factors determine the degree and the means of foreign intervention.Regional power is an inevitable stage to a superpower.Hegemonic countries,therefore,regardless of their willingness or ability to interference, would like to intervene in affairs of regional powers,but their interference motivation and strength will reduce as regional powers have gradually completed the rising process.Discourse is not only the role cognition of cultural representation,but also has reverse constructive effects on role cognition.If emerging countries are willing and able to use effectively the function of the discourse construction,then they can reduce the structural systematic pressure from hegemonic states and its allies.%冷战结束至今,美国选择性干涉行为背后一直受到两大因素驱动:国际政治中的“关系性”决定了美国对外干预的动机和意愿,“结构性”决定了美国对外干预的手段与程度。地区大国是走向超级大国的必经阶段,因此,霸权国不论在意愿还是能力上,都会对崛起中的地区大国进行干涉,而对逐步完成崛起的超级大国的干涉动机和力度会逐渐降低。话语不仅是角色认知的文化表征,同时也对角色认知产生反向的建构效应。如果崛起国愿意并能够有效地运用话语建构的功能,往往可以降低崛起进程中来自霸权国及其联盟体系的结构性压力。



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