首页> 中文期刊>光学精密工程 >机载激光对埋地管道的自主定位




为实现用机载激光对埋地天然气管道泄漏进行遥感检测,提出了机载激光自主定位管道的定位测量方法,利用机载GPS和惯性姿态测量系统得到载机的位置和姿态,结合已知的埋地管道地理位置信息,采用解析几何中的点法式求出激光对管道的自主定位点;然后利用坐标转换求出激光束在载机坐标系中的方位角和俯仰角,通过机械机构驱动激光完成对管道的引导定位.利用自行研制的激光夹持对准机构进行了地面定点实验,结果显示,地面定位最大误差为8.4m,平均定位误差<6.9 m;若进一步提高载机姿态、位置传感器精度及执行机构精度,激光对管道的引导定位误差会更小.结果表明本文所阐述的激光对埋地管道自主定位算法可用于机载激光对埋地天然气管道的遥感检测.%To realize the remote detection of the leak of a buried natural gas pipeline by an airborne laser, a helicopter-borne laser autonomous positioning method for the buried natural gas pipeline was presented. Based on the position and attitude of the carrier aircraft obtained by an airborne GPS and an inertial attitude measurement system, the laser autonomous positioning point of the pipeline was obtained based on the known location information and by the space vector method. Furthermore,the azimuth and pitch angles of the airborne laser were solved through the coordinate transformation. Finally, driven by the mechanism, the laser-guiding positioning of the pipeline was fulfilled. With application of the laser clamping alignment mechanism independently developed by ourselves, the ground point-fixed experiment proves that the proposed algorithm can offer the accuracy of the ground positioning by 6. 9 m,and it will be more accurate when the precision of the carrier aircraft attitude and the position sensor is further improved. Experiments demonstrate that the algorithm is suitable for the remote detection of the buried natural gas pipeline by airborne lasers.



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