首页> 中文期刊>石油钻采工艺 >国内水力活塞泵应用分析




Few Heavy oil fields like Shengli oil field were found in succession in the early 60s of 20th century. In order to effectively develop this kind of heavy density and high viscosity oilfield by using producing casing with diameter of 139.7 mm, research on hydraulic piston pump technology was officially launched in Shengli oilfield by ex-Petroleum Ministry. The water was just starting to yield in middle- high permeability oilfield which original operated in 60s in the 20th century, and for meeting the requirement of liquid lifting and deep pumping in 70s, artificial lifting production measures were progressed under the condition of 139.7 mm production casing, besides, the hydraulic piston pump technology was studied, improved and integrated by Petroleum Ministry, and opened cycle and power fluid with crude oil were adopted to simplified the process. The state of water replaced by oil was occurred with the increasing of water content, which results in the issues that the amount of power fluid was excessive and the surface flow process system continued to extend which was not considered economically feasible. So the hydraulic piston pump technology was quitted the historical stage in China because of above problems in lately 20th century. In this paper through practical analysis we proved that the reason for disuse of hydraulic piston pump technology not was the immature of the technique but the incorrect operating condition and improper direction of research. At present, any kind of artificial lifting techniques has its own characteristics and can not replace by each other. In order to improve the performance of manual lifting series, this paper has proposed to re-study the hydraulic piston pump and correctly understand the usage conditions of piston pump to restore the key role of hydraulic pump in artificial lifting technology.%20世纪60年代初期胜利等油田发现常规稠油油田,为了在Φ139.7 mm生产套管内有效地开采这类重质高黏度石油,胜利油田开始研究攻关水力活塞泵采油技术.由于当时投产的中高渗透油田已开始出水,进入70年代为了满足提液和深抽的要求,在Φ139.7 mm生产套管条件下,扩展人工举升的手段,石油部决定对水力活塞泵进行攻关、完善、配套工作,当时为简化流程采用了开式循环和用原油作动力液.当油井含水上升后,形成以油换水的状况,导致动力液处理量过大,地面流程不断扩建,经济上不合算,加之计量误差过大,到20世纪末国内水力活塞泵基本退出历史舞台.通过实践分析证明并非是水力活塞泵技术不成熟,而是使用条件不正确,攻关方向不全面,使得水力活塞泵采油方式被淘汰.目前任何一种人工举升方式都有各自的特点,不能互相取代,为了完善人工举升系列,提出对水力活塞泵重新认识,分析水力活塞泵应用条件,恢复水力活塞泵在人工举升方式中应有的作用.



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