首页> 中文期刊> 《石油钻采工艺》 >南海西部油田北部湾难钻地层钻井提速技术




According to the analysis on the geology characteristics and drilling history of Beibuwan Basin in the west of South China Sea, the paper analyzed the reasons for poor dillability, and summarized the exploration and practice in ROP acceleration tech-nology in the west of South China Sea. Combined with the experiences acquired from several newly drilled wells in Beibuwan Basin, a ROP acceleration strategy which is suitable for the poor drillability formation in this basin was introduced, meanwhile a new type of bit was developed to deal with these formations, therefore a set of ROP acceleration technology for Beibuwan poor drllability formation was formed. Field experience witnessed the signiifcant improvement of ROP in poor drillability formation in Beibuwan Basin. This new technology has played a striking role in drilling cost control in the west of South China Sea, and can be a good reference for ifeld drilling job on similar type of formations.%根据北部湾盆地地质特征和以往现场钻井作业情况,分析了地层难钻的原因,总结了南海西部油田在提高机械钻速方面所做的探索和实践,结合北部湾盆地近期多口钻井的现场情况,提出了适用于北部湾盆地难钻地层的提速对策,并开发了一种应对该难钻地层的新型钻头,形成了一套北部湾难钻地层钻井提速技术。现场实践证明,应用该技术后,难钻地层机械钻速有较大幅度提高。该套钻井提速技术对南海西部油田钻井成本的控制具有十分重要的意义,也可为在类似地层进行钻井作业的现场施工人员提供技术参考。



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