首页> 中文期刊>解放军护理杂志 >高龄无创双水平气道正压通气患者口腔感染的护理干预




Objective To compare the therapeutic effects on oral infection between saline(0. 9%) solution and Koutai(compound chlorhexidine rinse) in elderly patients using bilevel positive airway pressure(Bi-PAP). Methods According to the admission sequence, 38 patients were randomized into experimental group(N = 20) with the routine method of oral nursing using Koutai (compound chlorhexidine rinse) 2 time/day and control group(N=18) with 0. 9% saline solution 2 times/day. Results The rates of oral bacteria infection, oral fungal infection and oral odor showed significantly decreases in the experimental group in comparison with the control group(P<0. 05). Conclusion Koutai (compound chlorhexidine rinse) can effectively reduce the incidence of oral bacterial and fungal infections and oral odor as well as improve oral comfort in elderly patients using BiPAP.%目的 比较生理盐水与复方氯已定含漱液应用于无创双水平气道正压通气的高龄患者口腔护理的临床效果.方法 本组共38例患者,按入院先后顺序编号,以随机数字表法随机分为两组,试验组20例患者使用复方氯已定含漱液按常规方法进行口腔护理,对照组 18例患者使用无菌生理盐水按常规方法进行口腔护理,均为2次/d.结果 两组患者在口腔细菌培养阳性率、口腔真菌感染率、口腔异味及口腔溃疡发生率之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.05).结论 复方氯已定含漱液能够有效减少无创双水平气道正压通气高龄患者口腔中的细菌感染、预防真菌感染及口腔异味的发生,增加患者的舒适感.



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