首页> 中文期刊>核科学与工程 >慢正电子束研究质子辐照CLAM钢产生的缺陷及其退火行为




In order to investigate radiation damage mechanism of the China low activation martensitic (CLAM) steel, the proton radiation damage of CLAM steel and the annealing behavior of defect were probed by slow positron beam. It was found that the density of vacancies increased, and the size reached a saturation value, with increasing of irradiation fluence. The whole region of irradiated sample was only slightly damaged. Small vacancies and vacancy clusters were the dominant defects, and were recovered after annealing at 400 ℃. Besides, the effect of minor additive Si on irradiation behavior for CLAM steel was studied.The experimental results showed that additive Si can not pre-vent proton irradiation defects.%为了研究中国低活化马氏体CLAM钢的辐照损伤机理,本文利用慢正电子技术研究了质子辐照CLAM钢时所产生的缺陷及其退火回复行为,发现辐照在材料中产生空位团数密度随质子注量增加而增多,而其尺度增大并不明显.辐照仅产生原子尺度的空位和空位团,400℃退火可以使缺陷很好地消除.此外分析了硅对CLAM钢辐照性能的影响,实验上没有观察到硅的添加抑制了质子辐照缺陷的产生.



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