首页> 中文期刊>核电子学与探测技术 >LiF-TLD对中子响应的LET效应研究




针对LiF-TLD在n-γ混合场的区分测量、抗核辐射加固实验和辅助核查时,存在TLD吸收剂量响应的LET效应问题,开展了TLD对中子响应的LET效应实验研究。研究工作从实际应用角度出发,优选了目前国内重现性指标最好的LiF-TLD探测器,设计了从热中子至14MeV中子的辐照装置,进行了严格的实验测试和必要的理论计算,得出了LiF-TLD对较宽能区中子响应的LET效应因子。其结果可用于n-γ混合场的区分测量、抗核辐射加固实验和核查。%With regard to the LET effect problem of TLD absorbing doserespond existed when dose test for LiF-TLD is done n-γ mixed field, the paper do experimental rescarch on LET dependence property of TLD respond. From the phase of practical application, the rescarch work select prioriorty LiF-TLD detector which has so-far the best re-appearing index in China, designs radiation equipments for thermal neutron to 14 MeV neutron, dose strict experiment test and necessary theoretical calculation, and then acquire LiF-TLD LET effectfactors to neutron. LET effect factors tested by experiments can be used in identification test for n-γ mixing field and nuclear checking.All these basically reach the requirements of the paper.



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