首页> 中文期刊> 《核电子学与探测技术》 >2007-2012年参加全国放射性核素γ能谱分析方法比对结果分析




为了检验实验室放射性核素γ能谱分析能力,通过实验室间比对进行检测质量控制,提高实验室分析人员的检测水平,甘肃省疾病预防控制中心2007-2012年连续参加了由中国疾病预防控制中心组织的全国放射性核素γ能谱分析方法比对。历年比对测量值的相对偏差范围在-16.31%~11.83%之间,测量值均在合格范围内。结果表明实验室测量设备工作正常,放射性核素分析所使用的方法正确,出具的检测报告准确可靠。γ能谱分析检测能力满足计量认证和职业卫生技术服务工作的要求。%In order to test the capability of radionuclides measurement through γspectrum analysis and improve the ability of the technicians by inter -laboratory comparison test , Gansu Center for Disease Prevention and Control participated in the comparison test organized by China Center for Disease Prevention and Control contin -uously from 2007 to 2012 .All of the measured values are within the scope of qualified , and the relative devia-tion of measured value in the entire comparison tests is range from -16 .31%to11 .83%.The results show that the equipment for γspectrum measurement works normally , the analysis methods used for radioactive nuclide measuring is correct and the data in issued test report is accurate and reliable .The ability of the γspectrum a-nalysis satisfies the requirements of China Metrology Accreditation and the occupational health technical service .



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