首页> 中文期刊> 《西北人口》 >中国乡-城人口两阶段迁移模式及其经济学分析




The two-phase pattern of China’s Rural-Urban migration in urbanization procedure is obvious different from foreign countries. This article briefly described the characteristics and the impact of the two-phase migration pattern;and used the e-conometrics methods to examine the intrinsic motivation and influencing factors of the pattern,respectively from the two per-spectives of the city government and individual farmers;revealed this pattern fundamentally caused by the difference between urban and rural and “urban preference” institutional arrangements in China. Then,this paper argued that the government must strive to overcome the its “urban preference” and “economic preferences” tendency; recognize the importance of speeding up the process of urbanization and urbanism of Peasant workers for the expansion of domestic demands in response to the current eco-nomic difficulties;focus to core problem in policy such as peasant works’ survival,residence,and development in the city,and provide an effective institutional guarantee and policy support for their gradual adaption and eventual integration into urban life.%  乡—城人口两阶段迁移模式是中国人口城市化过程不同于国外模式的突出特点。本文简要介绍了两阶段迁移模式的特征和影响,并运用经济学方法分别从城市政府和农民个体两个视角来考察该模式的内在动因和影响因素,揭示了这一模式在根本上是由城乡差别和“城市偏好”的制度安排所造成的。基于此,本文主张在政府行为导向上要努力克服政府的“城市偏好”和“经济偏好”倾向;在政策变革时机上要认识到加快城市化进程、推进农民工的市民化对于扩大内需以应对当前经济困难的重要意义;在政策重点上要紧抓农村转移劳动力在城市的生存、居留和发展等核心问题,为农民工逐步适应并最终融入城市生活提供有效的制度保障和政策支持。



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