首页> 中文期刊> 《西北药学杂志》 >右丙亚胺治疗蒽环类药物诱发静脉炎2例




目的:观察右丙亚胺在治疗蒽环类药物诱发化疗性静脉炎中的安全性及有效性。方法65岁男性急性髓细胞白血病(M2a)患者静滴蒽环类药物后,左手背出现红肿、疼痛,先后给予硫酸镁外敷、芦荟外敷、土豆外敷,无效,后静脉注射右丙亚胺治疗(500 mg ,连续5 d);38岁男性 MDS转急性髓细胞白血病患者给予蒽环类药物后左手背出现红肿、疼痛,即静脉注射右丙亚胺治疗(500 mg ,连续5d)。临床随访(1个月)评定疗效。结果第1例应用右丙亚胺后4d疼痛减轻,7d红肿消退;第2例给予右丙亚胺治疗次日疼痛减轻,3 d红肿消退。2例患者除局部留有轻度色素沉着外,手及前臂功能无影响。结论右丙亚胺治疗蒽环类药物诱发静脉炎行之有效,尽早应用,疗效更佳。%Objective The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency and safety of the treatment of anthracyclines induced phlebitis with dexrazoxane .Methods The first case was a 65 year‐old male patient with acute myelogenous leukemia (M2a) .His left back appeared redness swollen ,and pain after giving anthracyclines .The successively external application with magnesium sul‐fate ,aloe ,and potatoes was ineffective ,then dexrazoxane (500 mg ,5 d) was given intravenously ;The second case was a 38 year‐old male patient with acute myelogenous leukemia transferred by MDS .His left back appeared redness ,swollen ,and pain after giv‐ing anthracyclines dexrazoxane (500 mg ,5 d) .The curative effect was evaluated by clinical follow‐up(1 month) .Results After giving dexrazoxane intravenously ,pain was relieved ,and red faded ,no side effects observed .Conclusion Giving dexrazoxane in‐travenously for phlebitis induced by anthracyclines ,is an effective method .



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