首页> 中文期刊> 《新世纪图书馆》 >1980年以来国内官箴书研究述评




The official books were born quite early in the history. However, it’s not until 1980s did the official books begin to be studied as an independent cultural phenomenon by the scholars in China. So far, the study of the ancient official books by Chinese scholars has gone through three stages. The first stage is to discuss its concept from four aspects including the definition, content, form, as well as the origin and evolution. The second stage is the specific research on the official books, which focuses on the interpretation of the content and ideas of the texts. The last stage is the conversion of theoretical perspective, which injects new vitality into the research on official books in China. The domestic compilation and publication of official books is mostly on the perspective of the government and society.%官箴文献虽然产生较早,但直到二十世纪八十年代才被我国学者作为一种独立的文化现象加以研究。到目前为止,我国学者对古代官箴书的研究大致经历了三个阶段:首先是对官箴概念的探讨,研究者着重从概念的界定、内容、形式、起源与演变四个方面来对官箴进行界定;其次是对官箴书的具体研究,我国学者较侧重于文本的内容与思想的解读;最后是理论视角的转换,新的理论视角为我国官箴书研究注入了新的活力。而国内关于官箴文献的整理与出版,则多出于资世的视角。



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