首页> 中文期刊> 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 >针对柴油发电机上箱体振动问题的改进设计




A improved design method is putting forward to strengthen the weak part of the upper case body, to improve its natural frequency, to avoid the low ignition frequency of diesel engine to achieve the design of the upper case of shock absorber.Choosing ANSYS finite element analysis software to carry out the numerical modal analysis for the simplified FEM upper case model in UG software.After using three dimensional software UG simplified model and using numerical modal analysis method strengthen the weak points of the generator on the box to improve the natural frequency of the upper box body, The natural frequency of the generator is determined by the experimental modal method.Comparing the test data and numerical modal analysis of the data to verify the rationality of the design.Combined with the finite element modal analysis software and LMS experimental modal testing equipment to analysis the natural frequency of the box,and collecting the vibration data of the optimized upper box under the rated load.The data show that the improved design of the upper case can effectively reduce the vibration of the upper case.%提出一种对上箱体壳体薄弱部分进行加固,提高其固有频率,避开柴油机低阶点火频率以达到减震目的的上箱体改进设计.选用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对在UG中简化过的FEM上箱体模型进行数值模态分析.用三维软件UG简化模型后利用数值模态分析法得到发电机上箱体的薄弱点对其进行加固,提高上箱体的固有频率.进行刚体模态测试法确定发电机上箱体固有频率,将测试数据与数值模态分析的数据进行对比,验证设计合理性.结合有限元数值模态分析软件和LMS实验模态测试设备分析上箱体的固有频率,并采集了优化后的上箱体额定载荷下的振动数据.该数据表明:上箱体进行此改进设计能有效减小上箱体振动.



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