首页> 中文期刊>现代电子技术 >Flash Papervision3D中3D Web应用程序设计

Flash Papervision3D中3D Web应用程序设计



为了能将日益应用广泛的Papervision3D、能在Flash Player中播放的目的,采用较为新颖的3D引擎方法,做了三维到二维的转换、Flint粒子系统实验,实现了平滑拉近物体从远处拉近及喷泉的效果.通用开源Flash 3D渲染引擎中Papervision3D是基于ActionScript的开源项目,而Flash在3D领域的应用相对贫乏,在Flash Player中播放,则具备体积小、与用户交互能力强、效果逼真的3D Web应用程序特点.%In order to enable the widely popular Papervision3D to play in the Flash player, this paper adopts a relatively new method of 3D engine, makes experiments of transformation from 3D to 2D and of the Flint particle system, realizes the effects of pulling objects from far to near smoothly and of fountain. Papervision3D is an open-source project based on ActionS-cript in general open-source rendering engine flash 3D, while the application of flash in 3D field is relatively poor. Playing it in the Flash Player has the characteristics of small size, strong ability to interact with users and the realistic 3D Web application.



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