首页> 中文期刊>现代教育管理 >新媒体环境下高校思想政治工作保障机制的构建




当前新媒体技术的广泛运用带来了信息传播的巨大变革,其已经成为高校开展思想政治教育最具时代感的阵地。新媒体是有别于传统媒体在新技术支撑体系下出现的媒体形态,其快捷化、多元化与叙述转化是其传播的重要特征。新媒体的出现对高校思想政治教育工作带来了双重作用,分析其契机及其挑战将会有助于科学把握思想政治教育工作的时代使命。高校思想政治教育工作领导机制、人才队伍的建设、监督及舆情分析以及联动机制的构建是保障新媒体背景下高校思想政治教育系统各要素协调作用,有效实现思想政治教育过程的重要条件。%The widespread application of current new media technology has brought the huge change , information dissemination has become the ideological and political education in colleges and universities to carry out the most positions.New media is different from the traditional media in the media forms under the new technical support system, the high-speeding, diversity and narrative transformation is an important characteristic of its spread. The emergence of new media in ideological and political education work brings dual function , analyzes the opportunity and challenge which will help you to scientific grasp the era mission of ideological and political education work. Ideological and political education work leading mechanism , talent team construction , supervision and construction of public opinion analysis and linkage mechanism is the guarantee the ideological and political education under the background of new media system coordinating role ,all the elements vital to effective implementation of ideological and political education process.



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