首页> 中文期刊> 《现代教育论丛》 >走向自主:教师专业发展的必然选择




Toward autonomy is putting forward in the process of criticizing the concept and behavior which deeply rooted in the traditional teacher professional development theory and still exist in the teachers education research, ablating the“duality” which between individual self and external world. It is the individual realization process of subjectivity and initiative of teachers’ professional development. Toward autonomy is not only the starting point for teachers to improve themselves in teaching practice, but also an important guarantee for the education and teaching in the process of development and perfection themselves. This paper expounds the significance in clarifying the theoretical definition of the teachers’ professional development toward autonomy. The ways includes waking up self-consciousness, enhancing self-identity, emphasizing self-reflection and developing self planning.%走向自主是在批判传统教师专业发展理论中根深蒂固的并且至今仍存在于教师教育研究中的观念和行为以及消融个体自我与外在世界的“二重性”基础上提出的,是教师专业发展的主体性和能动性的个性化实现过程。它既是教师个体在教育教学实践中完善自我的起点,也是在发展与完善自我过程中顺利开展教育教学的重要保障。本文在厘清教师专业发展走向自主的理论界说的基础上阐述了其当下意义,认为教师专业发展走向自主的实现路径有唤醒自我意识、提升自我认同、强调自我反思、拟定自我规划。



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