首页> 中文期刊>矿产与地质 >桓仁地区矽卡岩特征与成矿关系浅析




矿区从蚀变矿物组合、蚀变类型和空间分布来看是属矽卡岩型的矿体.此套蚀变不仅直接受岩枝体的控制,而且还受EW向、NW向成矿前断裂和地层岩性的控制.形成一套远离接触带的条带状矽卡岩,特别是绿帘石-阳起石矽卡岩更为发育.矿区的矿化是与矽卡岩密切相关的,矿体的生成晚于矽卡岩,矽卡岩与矿体的形态不完全一致,在矽卡岩中形成独立矿体或矿脉.%On the view of the alteration mineral assemblage, alteration types and spatial distribution, the ore was a skarn-type ore. The set of alteration is not only directly controlled by the altered rock epiphysis, but also by the east-west, northwest striking pre-ore faults and lithologic characters. Formed a set of strips away from the contact zone of the skarn, in particular the epidote-actinolite skarn is developed much well. The mine mineralization is closely related to the skarns and the generation of ore body is later than the skarn, not only skarn-and ore-body shape can be coincided, but skarn ore body or vein also formed independently.



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