首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >新兴疾病的特点及预防对策




The 2007 World Health Report released by WHO has pointed out that, in the last several decades, the new diseases have been increasing with unprecedented speed, and spreading to the world crossing over nations.Many factors may midwifery new diseases; new diseases can be spread in lots ofways.There are some paths come with senous hann can easily case death, some that turn into diseases slowly make patients suffering pain, the other may case mental handicap.New diseases are hard to be controlled generally, threatening the human's health severely, but until now the research related to new disease is very few.Even both here and abroad hadn't defined the new disease clearly, preventing department should pay attention to it.%世界卫生组织发布的<2007年世界卫生报告>指出,近几十年来,新兴疾病以前所未有的速度增加,并且往往跨越国境向世界范围传播.很多因素可以催生出新的疾病;很多途径可以传播新的疾病.新兴疾病有的来势汹涌易发生死亡,有的缓慢成病终身受折磨,有的会造成心理障碍.新兴疾病一般都难以控制,严重威胁着人类健康,但目前对新兴疾病的研究却很少,国内外医学界甚至对新兴疾病还没有给出一个较明确的定义,这一状况应引起相关预防部门的高度重视.



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