首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >宁波市某医院育龄妇女人工流产现状调查




目的::了解人工流产妇女避孕及生殖健康知识的现状,以降低人工流产率。方法:采用结构式问卷对宁波市某医院人工流产手术的育龄妇女进行调查。结果:592例研究对象中,年龄20-29岁的占68.2%。未婚占42.7%,已婚占57.3%。49.0%为避孕失败,以药具避孕失败为主(66.2%)。重复流产率55.7%,已婚者重复流产率明显高于未婚者(P<0.05)。流产后1年随访,随访率52%,重复流产率1%。结论:应加强性知识和避孕知识的宣教,提高各种避孕方法的正确使用率,减少非意愿性妊娠,降低重复流产率,促进妇女生殖健康。%Objective:To understand the current situation of induced abortion and reproductive health knowledge among women with artifi-cial abortion at childbearing age in Ningbo City to reduce the rate of artificial abortion. Methods:A total of 592 cases of women at reproductive age who required artificial abortion voluntarily participate the questionnaire survey. Results: Among this 592 cases of the research objects, 68. 2% was 20 to 29 years old, and 42. 7% of these women were unmarried, 57. 3% were married. 49. 0% females was because of contraceptive failure;the repeated abortion rate in married women was statistically higher than that in unmarried women;1 year follow-up after miscarriage, the follow-up rate was 52%, and the repeated abortion rate was 1%. Conclusion:It is important to promote the contraceptive knowledge and con-sulting work and to improve correctly use various methods. Contraception awareness and reproductive health awareness should also be strengthened to reduce the unwanted pregnancy rate and repeat abortion rate.



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