首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >武汉市某医院构建区域医疗联合体的实践与思考




按照新医改中提出的整体提高区域医疗卫生服务水平的要求,武汉市某医院积极推进区域医疗联合体的建设与发展,通过构建帮扶托管式紧密型医联体,开展社区卫生服务中心托管工作,拓展对口帮扶支援范围等,提高了远城区医疗机构医疗服务质量,增强了社区卫生服务中心服务能力,扩大了该院影响力及品牌辐射力。但帮扶式托管过程中还存在诸如双向转诊不够顺畅、医保报销困难、医疗机构之间信息化平台不兼容等问题。建议进一步完善双向转诊机制,探索医保报销新途径,构建统一的信息化平台。%According to the requirements of improving the level of regional medical and health services in the new round of medical and health reform ,the hospital explores the Regional Medical Commonwealth( RMC) practice mode actively. Through building an supporting-hosted compacted RMC, launching hosting work of the Community Health Center, and expanding the scope of the counterpart support, the medical serv-ice quality of far from urban medical institutions have been improved, the ability of community health service center has been enhanced and the in-fluence and brand radiations have been amplified. however, there are some problems about the two-way referreal, medical insurance, information construction, so the strategic vision were establishing an improved two-way referral mechanism, exploring new ways of Medicare reimbursement, and building an unified information platform.



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