首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >湖北省医务人员艾滋病歧视现状分析




Objective:To analysis the current status of discrimination against AIDS patients of medical personnel in Hubei Province,explore the factors,propose anti-discrimination measures. Methods:Investigate and analyze current discrimination attitude against AIDS patients and its factors of 300 medical personnel chose by convenience sampling. Results: 69. 33% of medical staff are willing to serve AIDS patients;89% of medical staff think they are likely to be infected with AIDS in their work;influencing factors of medical discrimination include occupation,educa ̄tion level and contact experience. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion:It is necessary to improve current medical discrimination in respects such as service supply system,patients receiving service and environment of social support.%目的::分析湖北省医务人员艾滋病歧视现状,探讨影响艾滋病歧视的相关因素,提出反歧视措施。方法:对300名医务人员就对艾滋病患者或感染者的态度及其影响因素进行调查分析。结果:69.33%的医务人员愿意为艾滋病患者提供服务;89%的医务人员认为自己在工作中有可能感染艾滋病;医疗歧视的影响因素为职业,文化程度,接触经历,差异具有统计学意义。结论:需要从服务提供体系、接受服务的患者、社会支持环境等方面改善医疗歧视现状。



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