首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >上海市医疗机构康复工作人员流动情况分析




目的::了解上海市医疗机构2011-2014年康复工作人员流动现状及存在问题,为上海市康复人才队伍建设提供参考。方法:采用问卷开展抽样调查,获取流动康复工作人员的年龄、学历、职称、专业等基本资料,运用SPSS17.0进行数据分析。结果:康复工作人员累计流动1376人,总体上表现为人员净增加;流入人员50.10%来源于毕业生新入职,流出人员仅有25.00%继续从事康复工作;新进人员呈现年轻化、高学历、低职称、专业化程度高等特征,平均年龄28.72岁,本科学历占42.13%,无职称占20.87%,康复治疗专业占50.79%。结论:康复工作人员队伍在保持稳定的基础上有所增加,流入人员在学历、职称结构以及专业化程度等方面趋于优化,康复行业整体吸引力有待加强。%Objective:To understand the flow situation and problems of rehabilitation manpower from 2011 to 2014 in Shanghai and to pro ̄vide suggestions of Shanghai rehabilitation team construction. Methods:Questionnaires were surveyed based on sampling survey to investigate the situation of the flowing manpower,including age,education background and professional title. SPSS 17.0 was applied to analysis the data. Re ̄sults:The amounts of flow manpower were 1376 and inflow was more than outflow. 50.10% inflow person was from new graduates recruits, only 25.00% outflow person continued to engage in rehabilitation work. The inflow person was getting younger and had more highly educated, lower professional title and higher degree of specialization with an average age of 28.72. In which undergraduate education person accounted for 42.13%,no title person accounted for 20.87% and rehabilitation professional accounted for 50.79%. Conclusion:The rehabilitation manpower size had in ̄creased on the basis of keeping stable. The team of inflow person had been optimized in education background,professional title and specialization. The overall attractiveness of the rehabilitation industry needed to be strengthened.



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