首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >长春市居民求医行为及影响因素分析




Objective: To investigate the current status and influencing factors of residents ' health seeking behavior in Changchun city. Methods:The data was from Fifth National Health Services Survey in 2013 in Changchun (expansion point data). Chi-square test was used to analyze the differences of health seeking behaviors among patients with different social demographic characteristics. Binary logistic regression anal ̄ysis was used to evaluate the influencing factors of patient's health seeking behaviors. Results:26.9% patients chose to visit doctors,52.0% pa ̄tients chose to take self-treatment,and 21.0% patients didn't take any treatment. The results of logistic regression analysis show that living in ur ̄ban and rural areas,distance to health care settings,annual household income per head,chronic condition,and occurrence time of disease were the major factors affecting patients' health seeking behaviors. Conclusion:In general,self-treatment was the most chosen health seeking behavior in Changchun city. Policy makers should pay more attention on this issue and guide residents to use health resource reasonably.%目的::了解长春市居民的求医行为及影响因素。方法:数据来源于2013年第五次国家卫生服务调查中关于吉林省家庭健康询问调查的长春市扩点资料。采用c2检验分析不同人口社会经济学特征的患病居民求医行为的差异,二元logistic回归分析患病居民求医行为的影响因素。结果:26.9%的患者选择去医疗机构就诊,52.0%的患者选择自我诊疗,21.0%的患者不采取任何治疗措施。Logistic回归分析结果显示,城乡居住地、家庭年人均收入、距离医疗机构的远近、是否患慢病及何时发病是影响居民求医行为的主要因素。结论:长春市居民的求医行为总体上呈现以自我诊疗为主的特征。相关部门应重视和引导居民合理利用卫生资源。



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