首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >浙江省患者对医方能力与善意信任状况调查




目的::了解患者对医方能力与善意的信任程度并分析其影响因素。方法:采用多阶段分层抽样的方法,抽取浙江省35家医疗机构,对35家医疗机构的800名门诊与住院患者进行问卷调查,并对数据进行描述性统计与方差分析。结果:医院等级越高、规模越大、设备越先进,患者对医方的能力越信任;从初始能力看,医生职称越高、职务越大、年龄越大,患者对医生的能力越信任;从持续能力看,患者在治疗中损伤越小、痛苦越轻,患者对医生的能力越信任;医院若能善处投诉、满足诉求、不收红包、适宜治疗、保存好病历,患者对医院的善意越信任;医生若能倾听诉说、通情达理、保护隐私、尊重病人、知情同意、公平对待、不过度医疗,患者对医生的善意越信任。结论:相比于个体信任,医疗机构更应加强组织信任建设;相比于能力信任,医疗机构更应加强善意信任构建。患者对医方能力信任的感知基于认知捷径;患者的信任共识可降低医患组织信任的构建难度。%Objective:To understand the factors affected the ability trust and goodwill trust the patients to the medical staff. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on 800 outpatients and inpatients in 35 medical institutions selected by multi stage stratified sampling method,and the data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and variance analysis. Results:The higher the hospital level,the larger the scale,the more ad ̄vanced equipment and technology,the patient more trust hospital's ability. From the initial ability to trust,the higher title the doctor,the higher the position,the older the doctor,the patient more trust the doctor's ability; from the continuing ability to trust, if doctors make patients in the treatment of minimally invasive,suffering the lightest,the patients more trust the doctors. If the hospital can meet the demands for complaints,and not receive red envelope,conduct appropriate treatment,keep good records,the patients more trust the hospital's good faith. If the doctor can lis ̄ten,be understanding,protect the privacy,respect the patients,inform consent,treat patients fairly,not do excessive medical treatment,the pa ̄tient more trust the doctor's goodwill. Conclusion:Compared with individual trust,organizations should strengthen confidence building;compared with ability trust,they should strengthen goodwill trust building.



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