首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >我国3份报纸的医疗卫生新闻报道分析




The paper selects People' s Daily, Nanjing Daily and Xian Dai Kuai Bao as samples to make content analysis and discourse analysis.It explores the agenda and viewpoints of medical news , and puts forward four doctors' social identities construc-tion by the newspapers.The results show that there are some differences between the three newspapers on the issues of medical and health and the style of setting.The social image of the doctor is extracted from the newspaper:health experts who are knowledgeable and reliable, white angels who are healing the wounded and rescuing the dying , soldiers who neglect their own death, and devils with bad medical ethics and inferior skills.There are serious problems that needs to be considered such as how to promote the posi-tive energy of society, expose the bad phenomena and corruption, and promote the harmonious relationship between doctors and pa-tients.%选取《人民日报》、《南京日报》和《现代快报》等3份报纸的医疗卫生新闻报道,采用内容分析和话语分析等方法,对议题内容、报道的正面、负面和中性做分析,解析报纸对医生社会形象的建构.研究结果表明,3份报纸关于医疗卫生报道议题的显著性和设置风格有所差异,涉及的负面新闻报道只有5%.报纸建构的医生社会形象,分别是富有知识、值得信赖的"健康卫士",救死扶伤、无私奉献的"白衣天使",身先士卒、舍生忘死的"白衣战士",医术拙劣、医德败坏的"白衣恶魔".新闻媒体如何宏扬社会正能量,揭露不良现象与腐败,促进医患关系和谐,是当前需要认真考虑的问题.



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