首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >北京市40家村卫生室药品使用现状调查与规制思考




Objective:To understand the status quo of drug management in village clinics, explore the existing problems and put forward the solutions.Metho ds: The survey was conducted by random sampling according to the geographical position and economic development level.A total of 40 villages were selected.In each village, 1 village doctor of 1 village clinics were investiga-ted by questionnaire.Results:In the 40 village clinics, 22.5%(9) had no independent pharmacy.A small number of village clin-ics were without the legal qualification of the drug supply unit.The drug storage in village clinics mainly depended on the natural conditions.5 village doctors reflected the village clinics encountered accidents mainly for adverse drug reactions.Conclusion:The village clinic existed drug safety hazards in the pharmacy construction , drug storage and drug personnel.Some suggestions of estab-lishing medical institutions drug licensing system, refining the existing laws and regulations, formulating medication directory of vil-lage clinics, strengthening grassroots' regulation power and improving rural doctors' drug knowledge were put forward to enhance the safety use of drugs in the village clinics.%目的:为深入了解村卫生室药品管理使用的现状,探寻存在的问题并提出解决问题的思路.方法:采用随机抽样的方法,按照地理位置和经济发展水平选取40个村,在每个村对1个村卫生室的1名村医进行问卷调查.结果:40个村卫生室中,22.5%(9个)的村卫生室没有独立药房.少数村卫生室没有供药单位的合法资质证明.村卫生室的药品储藏主要依靠自然条件.5名村医反应村卫生室遇到过事故,主要是药品不良反应.结论:村卫生室在药房建设、药品贮藏和保管、药剂人员等方面存在用药安全隐患.建议建立医疗机构药品使用许可制度,细化现行法律规定,制定村卫生室用药目录,加强基层规制力量,提升乡村医生药品知识水平,以增强基层药品使用的安全性.



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