首页> 中文期刊>医学与哲学 >从'人文引领健康'到健康人文学——'大/小传统'视域下的健康人文学之建构




提出建构健康人文学是引领"健康中国2030"之关键;也是弥补当今医学人文幽灵化,提高临床诊疗水平,消弭尖锐的医患矛盾之抓手.借助"大/小传统"理论及"N级编码论"理论,对健康人文学的学科属性特点等进行论证,认为它是健康大系统工程中的支持"软件",而且健康人文学可以上承儒道生命及养生认知精华,下接当今流行的慢性病防控之常识,从生命(生死)观、疾病观、养生观等切入,加以展开和提升.此理论成熟后,应该成为公民的通识教育,如此,又能反哺医学人文及全民健康水准.%The author argued that the construction of health humanities played a crucial role in leading the implementation of "Healthy China 2030".Furthermore, it will resolve of problem of marginalization of medical humanities, improve the quality of clinical diagnosis and treatment, and manage the conflicts between doctors and patients.The theory of "great and/or little tradition" and the "N-level coding theory" were used to demonstrate the features of health humanity disciplines.It stated that the health humanities were regarded as the "software" supporting the big system of health.The health humanities not only related to refinement of life and longevity preservation views in Confucianism and Daoism, it also contained and expanded the knowledge of epidemic chronic disease prevention and control, in terms of views of life and death, the conception of disease and illness, and ideas of health preservation the health view angle.Therefore, the author claimed the health humanities should be taken as general education with the developing of its theory, so that it can also feed the medical humanities and improve the national health standards.



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